Saturday, September 28, 2013

Rough Cut Diamonds

Here we go.. 

My first blog. 

This is where I'll openly show my progression as an amateur photographer. 

A passion. 

I got my first DSLR camera last year for Christmas and I haven't been using it the way it should be used. If I was my camera, I'd be mad at me. 

After standing up in my best friends wedding, I was complimented on my vision as a photographer. Thats when it hit me. 

As a creative writing minor in college, I realized that art is my passion. Making art. Art, motherhood and medicine. I work in the medical field so I guess that leaves art and motherhood. This is where I am now. 

I'll start with a thirty-day and 52-week challenge and we will see where it goes from there.

These are rough images, this is my starting block. 

Here we go.